Meeting documents

Dorset County Council People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 10th October, 2018 10.00 am

  • Meeting of People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 10th October, 2018 10.00 am (Item 47.)

To consider a report by the Director for Children's Services.


The Committee considered a report by the Director for Children's Services which provided an update on the future relationship between the local authority and schools, how other local authorities managed school improvement, the consultation that took place with headteachers and how the local authority was working with Weymouth and Portland schools and the impact that this was having.


Officers summarised the report.  Members noted that at the consultation with headteachers undertaken on 9 July 2018 broad support was given for future work based on school clusters.  Commissioned support was provided for category three schools in Weymouth and Portland and grant support sought for Budmouth College and All Saints School; sponsors for these schools were expected to be announced in November 2018; and Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) targets were already being met for both 6 and 16 weeks, with the target for 20 weeks expected to be met by November 2018.


The Assistant Director for Schools and Learning added that the overall consultation had involved headteachers from Multi-Academy Trusts and other schools in order to identify a model for future strategic school improvement in Dorset.  This has led to the introduction of a Dorset School Improvement Board (DSIB); a school-led initiative with the County Council having a supportive role.  The County Council is being asked to provide funding of £100k to support the introduction of the DSIB.  It was hoped that this would enable schools to share best practice and lead to improved school standards across Dorset.


The County Councillor for Westham welcomed the introduction of the cluster-based approach but asked whether funding for student support and SEND provision was equitable across the County, or whether funding was based on the number of students needing support in a particular area.  He also asked how well EHCPs were being delivered and whether the funding to deliver this was available.  The Assistant Director explained that funding was provided based on a model and that Weymouth and Portland would receive a share, there was no additional funding based on the number of children with additional needs. In relation to EHCPs, these had increased by 49% over the last three years and it was difficult to find resources to meet this increasing demand.


In response to questions it was explained that administrative support for the new cluster-based model was currently provided by the Regional Schools Commissioner with any other costs being a matter for schools; the Dorset School Improvement Board would target initiatives and officers would report on whether this had led to any improvement; an invitation might be extended to schools in Bournemouth and Poole to take part; and whilst the current stress on teachers and schools was acknowledged, the new model was based on an effective model which would provide the space for change without increasing workloads and, through economies of scale, might reduce them; headteachers would remain responsible and accountable but the new model would identify areas for improvement and enable this through partnership working and sharing of best practice; and it was confirmed that children were assessed and were provided with the support they needed.



1.   That the work that had taken place around the consultation on the future relationship with schools be noted.

2.   That the significant progress that had been made in improving the service provided to children and young people and their carers with SEND post the Ofsted inspection be noted.

3.   That the continued drive to raise standards in Dorset Schools be supported.

Supporting documents: